
  • Time Management

    Time Management

    Introduction and Importance of time management Time management is a key to academic success. Students around the world learn this…

  • Leadership


    Leadership is an act of making an impact on others in the desired direction. Leadership is a subject has long…

  • An interview

    An interview

    An interview is essentially a structured conversation  This feature is common to many types of interviews — a job interview or interview with…

  • Group Discussion

    Group Discussion

    What is a Group Discussion? “Group” is a collection of individuals who have regular contact and frequent interaction and who…

  • Field diary

    Field diary

    The field diary is the basic document which contains all the data collected. Facts and interpretations are to be written…

  • Note taking

    Note taking

    Studies find that note taking helps students’ focus attention, promotes more thorough elaboration of ideas, and encourages efforts to relate ideas and…

  • Listening


    Listening is both a physiological as well as a cognitive process, a sort of qualitative add-on to hearing. Listening also helps the cultivation…

  • Summarising


    A summary is a short and concise representation of the main points, ideas, concepts, facts or statements of a text written in your own…

  •  Precis writing

     Precis writing

       The word ‘precis’ is derived from French .The word précis means an abstract, abridgement or summary; and précis writing…

  •  Meetings-  Seminars and Conferences

     Meetings-  Seminars and Conferences

                Meetings are one of the oldest and the most important group methods of extension teaching.  If properly arranged and conducted, they…


कार्यकारी परिषद सदस्य श्री. गणेश शिंदे राहुरी विद्यापीठ कृषि महाविद्यालय कृषी महाविद्यालय जबलपुर येथे सौर उर्जा सिंचन योजनेच्या प्रशिक्षणासाठी शास्त्रज्ञ डिजीटल तंत्रज्ञानावर डॉ. दिलीप पवार डॉ. बाबासाहेब आंबेडकर डॉ. सुनील गोरंटीवार ड्रोनचा उपयोग दि एन्व्हाएरमेंट असोसिएशन ऑफ महाराष्ट्र पर्यावरण संरक्षणाचा संदेश घेऊन रतनगड ट्रेकिंगचे भारतीय विस्तार शिक्षण सोसायटीच्या उपाध्यक्षपदी डॉ. मिलिंद अहिरे यांची निवडराहुरी विद्यापीठ महात्मा फुले कृषि विद्यापीठ माजी पोलीस अधिक्षक डॉ. संजय अपरांती मिटकॉन कन्सल्टन्सी राहुरी येथे कुलगुरु डॉ. पी.जी. पाटील विद्यापीठ घेणार दोन हजार एकरावर खरीप हंगामातील बिजोत्पादनराहुरी विद्यापीठ